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Fuerteventura still open for Tourism  

Fuerteventura still open for Tourism

Following the panic-hype that goes around many mainstream media in europe and as a response to the questions of some of our customers,we think it is necesary to inform you all about the current situation here in Fuerteventura.

Surfing is still possible,surf lessons are running as usual,no restrictions to outdoor sports.

Cases have gone up here and currently we are at level 3,sounds bad but actually,live goes on as usual,restrictions at the moment are:mask in public,only 4 persons at 1 table in restaurants,max 30 % occupation in restaurants,curfew from 22:00 onwards till 06:00 am,can only meet with another 6 persons.

We have currently around 160 - 260 cases (125000 inhabitants) ,numbers seem to be a dificult thing for the oficial sources,that gives you an insight about how serious the statistics are.We are level 3 because we only have 10 ICU beds,and there is 6-7 cases of covid in there right now.Who could have imagined that in a pandemic you might need more ICU capacity ? Our politicians certainly not,so after 1 year of pandemic,we still have the same number of beds,better lock the people away than organize capacity to respond the pandemic.I guess thats the same all over europe.

Whilst the german government seems to go completley nuts in an desperate intend to stop people from traveling and lock them away eternally,it is important that you know that YOU ARE STILL ALLOWED TO TRAVEL TO THE CANARY ISLANDS ,just need a negative PCR Test,also here there is plenty of places where you can get a test made for returning to your home country.Thats unless you are british,of course.

The canary islands are hit really hard from the total colapse of tourism,most hotels are closed,small companies and self employed are forced to shut their businesses ,loosing everything they have worked for so hard all the past years,and there is literally cero support from the government.Unemployment rises and we all urgently need tourism to get going again.Safe travel procedures and testing + pushing the vaccines is the way to go and if you can make an effort to travel here,everyone here will appreciate it big time.

The weather is still sunny and warm as always,surfs pumping and there is a cool mix of digital nomads and "corona refugees"hanging out here and there is a mellow and positive vibe in the water and at the beaches,everyone really seems to be gratefull about the fact that they can enjoy the good weather,surf and freedom to move around.



25.03.2021 /Categories:
Copyright © 2024 Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura, C./Anzuelo 23,35.660 Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands | Layout: kunstwerk, Realisation: wahoX